
Dorothee Fischer

I wanted to create a memory for my kids of their childhood in València

I have always had a strong interest for communications/journalism and international relations and have gained experience in very different positions in these sectors in the past 20 years: from my studies of English Literature, Communications and Political Sciences at the universities of Cork (IE), Bamberg (DE), Berlin (DE) and Salamanca (ES) to being an audiovisual journalist for the French-German TV station ARTE or running the Strasbourg office of the international NGO and support programme of the Council of Europe “European Association of Local Democracy” (ALDA). For the latter I also managed a variety of projects on human rights, participatory democracy and sustainable development with particular focus on South East Europe and the Southern Caucasus. 

In 2008, I moved my base to Spain where I worked as communications and project development officer for the EU regional cooperation programmes INTERREG IIIC South and the INTERACT Point Valencia. In this period, I provided technical assistance and communications advice to Interreg, IPA or ENPI programmes across Europe. 

Since 2014, I have been a freelance communications and international affairs expert and in 2019 I set up my own communications agency, specialised in the development of communication strategies and innovative communication tools for a variety of stakeholders worldwide, from the European Commission, to FAO, local authorities, NGOs, universities or private sector actors.

There is one guiding principle I have followed in all these years: I only communicate on the projects I believe in and which go in line with saving our planet and respecting people’s rights!

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference."
Extract of a Poem by Robert Frost

Anna Santacreu

To be able to show my own view through drawings about the city I live in and which love so much, was a dream for me...

I studied architecture at the “Universitat Politècnica de València” (UPV). Some years later, at the same university, I did the “Master in art therapy and artistic mediation: educational, social and therapeutic aspects of art as an experience of accompanied creation”.

With a diverse background, I realise that what all my passions and professions share is the act of CREATING, and my way of doing it has a lot to do with listening and dialogue.

A dialogue with what a space, a person or a commission suggests to me.
My drawings, full of stories where people are the protagonists, are nevertheless characterised by their mise-en-scène where my part as an architect goes for a walk and has fun.

My approach to an illustration project has a lot to do with architecture: I go to the place, I study it and I enter into dialogue with it through what I see and how I would like to inhabit it. My characters have a very playful attitude, they are curious about the place, they walk around it, they play with it and are surprised by its details. They feel it as their own and recognise themselves in its reality and its contradictions.

Creativity is the bridge between reality and utopia"
